Condo info

Some of the keywords which can be used to find our services include: Florida condo insurance, Florida condo insurance, Condo quote, FL condo insurance, Florida condominium insurance, FL condominium insurance, HO-6 Insurance, HO6 Insurance, Lake Worth Condo Insurance, Lantana

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About Us

Absolute Insurance, Inc. is an insurance agency in Lake Worth, FL that sells auto, home, and business insurance. We are apersonal and commercial lines insurance agency
that strives to make shopping

for insurance simple and affordable. We will gladly explain the coverage’s available and get you the discounts that you deserve. Don’t settle for anything less than the very best around. Our expertise in the insurance industry will ensure that you get the right coverage at the right price.

We can offer you a choice of a wide variety of insurance companies.


Contact Info



Every day as we enjoy our properties, we do our best to avoid accidents in and around condos.
Talk to us today to see how we can best protect you.

In the event of a mishap, at Absolute Insurance, we want to know that you are not responsible for any liabilities incurred at your property.
Liability protection is one of the most important coverages a condo owner can have. This coverage will protect you from lawsuits, legal expense and medical costs If you are legally responsible for injury or property damage to others.


Condo Property....

As home owners we dont think twice abour insuring our property from inside and out. We want to be fully protected.

Where Condo units are concerned, the typical condo association policy only protects the exterior of the unit or building from common perils such as storm and fire damage.

At Absolute Insurance, we want to make sure you are fully protected within your unit, your personal property and the interior.

Picture your condo unit, flipping upside down, everything that falls down is your contents.

The things that stay attached are considered your building contents, all of which you need to protect with specific coverage. 

Your condo association does not cover these in the event of a hurricane, water or fire damage, but with the right coverage your property can now be protected  for your peace of mind.

Isn't this why you have a Condo in the first place? Enjoy your property knowing you're protected inside and out.


Loss of Use

We know that pipes leak, people fall and accidents happen. Stay protected with Absolute Insurance.
At Absolute Insurance, a complete condo policy includes what's called a loss of use protection.

If a loss occurs, and your condo is damaged it will take some time to repair or renovate your condo.

During this time you will need somewhere to live as the work is being done. How will you pay for alternate accomodation and living expenses.


At Absolute Insurance, our condo policies also protect you from some medical payments. If a person is injured in your condo and they are not named on your policy this coverage would pay for some minor medical treatment such as exams or x-rays.
Our condo policy covers you in this situation giving peace of mind and protection when you need it most.

Generally, this coverage provides the insured with the means to cover certain medical expenses without requiring you to file under your personal liablilty coverage amounting to an increased expense.

Our condo policies are packaged to keep you protected around the year and around the clock.  Connect with us today to find out how we can help you.
At Absolute Insurance, our condo policies also protect you from some medical payments. If a person is injured in your condo and they are not named on your policy this coverage would pay for some minor medical treatment such as exams or x-rays.

Generally, this coverage provides the insured with the means to cover certain medical expenses without requiring you to file under your personal liablilty coverage amounting to an increased expense.

Our condo policies are packaged to keep you protected around the year and around the clock.  Connect with us today to find out how we can help you.
